Monday, September 14, 2009

Pink - hows life ? Long time no see ....

Wow!! Yesterday I completed my first and glorious five years of professional experience. Of course, I am overwhelmed by the ecstasy of all those wonderful years when I experienced lot many things together. I started my career as neophyte, IT professional, in 2004, as trainee personnel, and I took training with lot many other consorts who also came on board concurrently.
For last few days we, all mates who can be traced and are still present with same employer, have initiated a group mail chain to find out all those fellows who still belong with first employer. As usual, after asking casual whereabouts, one of my peers asked me about “Life”; and I sent below impromptu response.

Life is learning...
When we came together,
we learnt together from
the affection of our dearest companions

Life is maverick...
When we flocked together,
inebriated ourselves with
the affection of our flawless dreams

Life is wisdom...
When we sail together
to the horizon of professional satire with
the affection, still holding within us

Life is rejuvenation...
when we will again
sit together, listen together
of course, affection will still be within us.

Life is laughter...
Life is challenge...
Life is attraction...
if you still preserve affection, all the way.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sermon of Siddhartha

Siddhratha, written in Germany, is a commendable work of Herman Hesse, who delineated segmentation of life in twelve chapters. As Herman described, Siddhartha went through the virtuous life cycle of Rig Veda. Entire story has summated prime factors such as origin of life, relations among people and perishability of life. Boy Siddhartha being Brahman son with magnanimous knowledge and veneration was never satisfied with life and he always waggled to learn the inner self. Eventually, he left his house instead of his father’s indignation and adopted the path of Samana with his ardent and disciple friend Govinda. After his exorbitant learning, Siddhartha, as he described later that “wisdom cannot be given because giving wisdom is foolishness”, found that something was still missing that nobody could teach him and decided to listen to the inner self. Govinda, being enthralled by Budha’s parable, joined pilgrimage of Goutma Budha and Siddhartha took refuge of self-learning.

After few days he came to the city and met beautiful courtesan Kamala, who was like freshly cracked fig, and decided to learn about love and life from her. Consequently, Siddhartha started to enter into phase of SANSARA, lifecycle of childlike people who always engaged themselves in other’s affection and futile well-being. In this stage of life, he, Siddhartha, acquainted with merchant Kamaswami and many gamblers, and learnt about business, forbidding his austere SAMANA life. As twenty years passed by, suddenly in his dream, Siddhartha felt disastrous consequence of his exuberant life and immediately decided to leave such extravagant life and his wife, Kamala, who was bearing his child.

At this juncture, Siddhartha came to know about unique entity of life as Herman articulated main theme of his verse astutely. Vasudeva, who was a mere ferryman without any conventionally pedantic pedagogy, guided Siddhatha though his enlightenment of Atman. Vasudeva always assisted that “Listen to the river because you’ve never listened all what it says to you and all how it laughs at you”. Certain things viciously dawned in Siddhartha’s life – unprecedented death of Kamala, affront of his obstinate son – and incessantly groaned him. All these abominable mishaps reproached Siddhartha’s learning and thus gave him souvenir of his forlorn. River, like life, originates from its source, flows away down the civilization and perishes in same form. Uniqueness of entirety, OM, provided tranquil to Siddhartha when he detoured through his past -- his fortunes -- and felt distressed.

Herman has described life and relation among people allegorically through the eye of Siddhartha and, in my opinion, Siddhartha would be worth reading for those who have rejuvenated themselves through the incarnations of modesty: thinking, waiting and fasting.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Honest Appraisal

Over more than last one year World has been experiencing economic downturn, cut in business travel, fewer recruitments and less or zero hike in Salary. Many small firms were forced to shut down their businesses and many giants urged for government intervention and public's tax money. Throughout this global recession Indian IT market has soughed their modest revenues and stable workforces. Finally the gloomy days have come for Indian IT market when companies are unable to provide huge jump in salary and promised remunerations those they had given in last 10 years. Until now all major firms have announced their appraisal processes but have also declared that there would be no wage hike whatsoever. Presumably, such "indictments" are causing aversion in employees who would have expected otherwise. Indeed, for these may years, appraisal process has been a "tool" for employee satisfaction, tool providing mandatory salary hikes (in most cases) or evident promotion or both, rather than just a blunt measure of competencies. Many potential employees have argued that current appraisal process does not qualify to them unless and until such process talks about "raise".

On other hand, companies, unable to induce new clients and more businesses due to global turmoil, are keener to increase their revenues or at least trying to maintain their revenues at same level as that was in last quarter. Apart from "no hike", companies are also opting out any possibilities of salary hike and of promotion - which could provide hike in pay because of higher incumbent - by clearly mentioning that "this year's" appraisal process are designed in order to provide more emphatic feedback on employees' performance rather than anything else. In few cases, human resources do not have any clear reason to define implication of this year's appraisal process; though, indirectly they are stigmatizing this year's vulnerable economic situation.

Whether market will recover from current situation by next year and whether IT Companies will revamp their lucrative rises again are disputable; however, it is possible that very soon Indian IT will also streamline its processes for salary hike and will maintain stringent policies for any rises and promotions further.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Allegiance towards them …

Most whimsically and surprisingly, I started working with welfare organization, which devotes for well-being of poor people. This would be unethical to falsify my true intention with such comments because it has long been time since I decided to work with NGOs. After going through several websites and blogs I came to know about Down2earth, London which serves to poor people inside and outside our country though, D2E has very small unit. Perceivably small NGO organization such as D2E provides immense exposure to its volunteers to work in small unit and, of course, getting splendid opportunity to work with needy people definitely riches our sensitivity. Whether sensitivity causes thrust to welfare or vice versa is true could be a favorite debate for logic professor but the overall feeling and joviality in such kind of work are wonderful per se.